Our Story

On August 30, 1999, a meeting was held at the Heritage Building located at 1900 Bellwood Road, Tyler, Texas. A group of ministers discussed the feasibility of organizing a new State Convention and subdividing the present participating churches of East Texas Baptist Association into three District Associations. After much discussion these ministers agreed the time was right to present the recommendation to form a new state convention.

The recommendation was presented to the constituents of East Texas Baptist Association at its Quarterly Board on August 31, 1999, and those present accepted the recommendation to form a new Convention. The name of the new Convention was East Texas Baptist State Convention. The newly formed State Convention was approved by the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. at their Annual Session in September 1999. It was later renamed as the Texas Educational Baptist State Convention.

There are currently over 100 churches that are a part of  the Texas Educational Baptist State Convention (TEBSC) located in East Texas. These churches are located in the Tyler/Longview area and surrounding  towns.

The guiding theme of TEBSC is:                                                                  "Honoring Our Past; Embracing our Future."

TEBSC is currently under the leadership of Dr. James Johnson, Jr., assuming the role in November 2023.